The Plainview Board of Education has planned a special meeting for Monday, March 27 to offer a certified teaching contract and to hear the first introduction of the previously mentioned school facility audit.

According to the agenda as of Tuesday morning, the bulk of the agenda included three items:

Discuss and take possible action on approving a 1.0 FTE certified teaching contract to Averi Diedrichsen for the 25-26 school year;

Discuss and take possible action on resignation of certified employee (no names listed).

And, under “Discussion”: Facilities Report: Bob Soukup will be present to discuss facility audit.

The facility audit had been previously mentioned, concerning mainly the old junior high 1920 building, and the sagging floors and condition of the building.

As previously mentioned by Superintendent Dr. Darron Arlt, once the board has seen the audit, community meetings will be planned to interact with stakeholders of the school to review the audit and make plans for the future.