The Crofton Board of Education will gather on Monday, Nov. 21 for a special meeting at the Crofton Elementary School.
The meeting has been called at 6:30 p.m. to have a public review of the recently completed Carlson West Povondra Architects Elementary school assessment.
Details of the assessment report was included in the Journal a few weeks ago, but since that time a “summary” has been released by the company, and posted on the school’s website under “Facility Improvements.”
The summary information puts the collected suggestions into three categories – “Critical,” “Serious,” and “Minor” with special definitions of each.
Each of the categories also has a “middle” category that combines the two “Critical/Serious,” “Serious/Minor,” etc. and are listed below.
Critical items are defined as code deficiencies, major functional inadequacies…or an “immediate threat to the health, safety or welfare of those that use the building.”
There are five items listed under the “critical” portion of the summary:
1. Perimeter flashing and termination points have failed at a few select roof areas. In numerous areas joint sealants have failed providing open pathways for water to penetrate the building cavity.
2. A potential Smoke Evacuation System for the stage may be required. Depending on the Fire Marshal interpretation.
3. The main vestibule lacks egress capacity. Additional doors are required to meet current standards. Based on occupant load.
4. The current HVAC systems does not meet current code requirements for outside air ventilation.
5. The current severe weather shelter does not meet current building code standards. All the designated spaces have unprotected openings & is not accessible due to two staircases.
“Critical/Serious” items are defined as materials, finishes, and systems that have greater than normal wear, and need to be cleaned or replaced. “Items can be deferred with no immediate effect to the building/infrastructure or to the health, safety, and welfare of those who use the building.”
There are two items listed under the “Critical/Serious” heading:
6. The current domestic hot water controls do not allow for confirmation of water temperature. The minimum domestic hot water standards require 140 degrees with an independent mixing value. If the current system is between 110 degrees and 120 degrees, Legionella (bacteria) can grow in domestic hot water systems.
7. Current electrical distribution panel and downstream panels are near the end of their useful life. Newer codes require additional clearances and egress requirements from the main electrical room.
“Serious” items are defined as mainly what is listed in the paragraph above, and includes the most items on the review.
Those items include:
8. The Stage, East Title Room, Resource Room, East Restrooms, Southeast Kindergarten Room, and the Special Education rooms do not have any accessible routes.
9. The Music and Technology building is not accessible.
10. The Music and Technology Building has no restroom.
11. Almost half of the existing doors do not have the required door ADA clearances.
12. None of the existing handrails meet current ADA code.
13. All of the existing bathrooms have multiple ADA code deficiencies.
14. Drinking fountains are not to ADA code.
15. Room signage around the school are not to ADA code. This includes mounting heights, size of text and braille.
16. Along the southeast face of the school there is potential moisture collecting in the exterior concrete masonry units (CMU).
17. Along the north facade of the elementary, no weeps or vents in the masonry were observed. This could trap moisture in the wall.
18. Numerous layers of sheet metal flashing, joint sealant, tape sealant, and spray sealant where observed. These are temporary fixes on the roof.
19. There are exposed utility pipes in the Southeast Kindergarten Classroom.
20. The wood bleachers do not function properly and are not built to current IBC code. They lack dedicated isles, handrails, guardrails.
21. Any remaining galvanized water pipe should be replaced.
22. There is no master control on the HVAC systems.
23. The existing fire alarm system is outdated. New codes have additional requirements for coverage.
24. The shower rooms are not accessible. On the lower level below the stage.
25. Lack of direct visibility of guests who enter through the main vestibule.
26. Asbestos in the 9x9 floor tile on the stage. Currently fine if undisturbed, but can become a serious problem if loose or disturbed.
27. A crack was observed in the brick veneer from the roof all the way to the foundation. Located near the northwest corner of the west classroom wing.
“Serious/Minor” items are defined Materials, finishes, and systems that have minimal wear and can be cleaned or replaced. Items can be deferred with no immediate effect on the building/infrastructure or to the health, safety, and welfare of those who use the building.
There were no “Minor” items listed on the review.
The “Serious/Minor” items included:
28. There is no good intercom system throughout the building. Communication is a key tool for school security.
29. Almost all of the HVAC Units are outdated, due to the fact that the equipment has surpassed its expected service life.
30. The Kitchen is not in an ideal location. It lacks the proper health and safety features that are typical in a stand alone kitchen space.
31. The classrooms along the north have a musty smell.
32. Step and diagonal cracking at the southeast CMU could potentially be caused by foundation movement/settlement, thermal differential, ungrouted block construction or a combination of the three.
33. The Gymnasium AHUs and associated piping is well beyond its expected service life.