The Band Letter recipients (not pictured: Nolan Babcock and Megan Tramp)

The first Crofton Music Banquet was held on Friday, April 22, for band and chorus students along with their families following the District Music Contest, which took place earlier that day. Numerous awards were given to the students who had made their mark on the music programs that year.

The evening began with band awards and honors, including Student Choice awards, Director’s Choice awards, honoring the band seniors, and lettering awards. The following students lettered in band:
Zac Arens
Nolan Babcock
Emma Bilka
Madie de Shazer
Cameryn Fiscus
Austin Guenther
Carter Guenther
Jenna Jackson
Sabrina Kaiser
Kaylee Mauch
Mayson Ostermeyer
Grant Schieffer
Jack Schieffer
Karley Schieffer
Ellie Tramp
Megan Tramp
Elizabeth Wortmann

The banquet continued with choir awards and honors, also including Student Choice awards, Director’s Choice awards, honoring the choir seniors, and lettering awards. The following students lettered in choir:
Kiera Altwine
Emma Bilka
Jeffrey Birger
Carter Guenther
Rowdy Hegge
Jenna Jackson
April Kleinschmit
Roy Knapp
Brooke Lammers
Madelyn Loecker
Emma Neuhalfen
Araya Nielsen
Daniel O’Connor
Grant Schieffer
Jack Schieffer
Karley Schieffer
Elizabeth Wortmann

Scholarships for the music program were awarded to the following students: Crofton Band Scholarship: Karley Schieffer and Austin Guenther
Crofton Choir Scholarship: Roy Knapp and Karley Schieffer
Crofton Music Boosters Scholarship: Austin Guenther and Karley Schieffer

The banquet ended with directors Ashley Leader and Katie Kleinschmit recognizing two people for a new award: the Friend of Music Award, which “was given to honor the band’s biggest supporter and friend in recognition of dedicated service to the department no matter what our needs.” The Friend of Music Award was given to Claire and Diane Arens for their years of support and dedication to the Crofton Music Program.

The Chorus Letter recipients (not pictured: Daniel O’Connor)