Drums, Trumpets, and Singers Oh My!
The Crofton Band and Chorus added District Music beneath their belts on Friday, April 21 in Osmond. The band performed the pieces, “... Music Speaks” and “Fire!”
Soloists for the band were Junior Emma Bilka, junior Jenna Jackson, junior Elizabeth Wortmann, junior Carter Guenther, sophomore Grant Schieffer, and sophomore Jack Schieffer.
The Jazz Band performed the pieces, “No Harm/ No Foul” and “No Time to Die.”
The Chorus performed the pieces “Omia a Soul” and “Shut Dedoe.” Crofton had soloists that competed and those were senior Jeffery Birger, senior Fiene Adler, E. Bilka, E. Wortmann, C. Guenther, J. Schieffer, G. Schieffer, sophomore Madelynn Loecker, freshman Lukas Schantz, and freshman Morgan Stevens.
Duets were J. Schieffer and G. Schieffer, E. Bilka and M. Loecker, J. Birger and freshman Quinnlan Mosher, A. Nielsen and M. Stevens, freshman Leila Barta and freshman Katie Neuharth.