The Niobrara village officials are having to adjust, in response to the COVID-19 social distancing requirement, with their monthly open meetings.
The Niobrara Village Board met in the Niobrara Public Library for its monthly meeting Tuesday night, social distancing, seated 6 ft. apart, and keeping with the under 10-person gathering rule.
Those from the public who wanted to join the meeting, were able to do so by joining in on a conference call. Village clerk, Mona Weatherwax, made the access number for the conference call available by posting it at several locations throughout town. In the regular monthly meeting notice for the village board, published in the local newspaper, the notices stated that the access number was also available by calling the village clerk’s office.
The format of the meeting by conference call was being conducted in order to comply with social distancing guidelines due to the COVID-19 outbreak and intended to follow the authorization of an executive order issued by Governor Ricketts on March 17, said Weatherwax.
At press time, Niobrara School Superintendent Margaret Sandoz was also working along the same line, in preparation for the school board’s regular meeting April 13.